
Qu'aiti State and the Yemens

First, let me make a distinction in similar Arabic names. Kuwait, a separate Arabian state that is approximately 1,000 miles to the North, and Qatar, another separate Arabian state that is approximately 600 miles to the North, are not the same Qu'aiti State in Hadhramaut. The first just has a similar pronunciation and the second has a similar spelling.

In an effort to protect Great Britain's interest in India, the Royal Marines land at the port city of Aden on January 18, 1839. This established British sovereignty in the area and protection for ships going to/from India. Informal treaties were formed to ensure peace and British protection until finally the Aden Protectorate was formed in 1872. Remember that word, "Protectorate". This story is really about different "Protectorates".

Protectorate: The authority assumed as a superior power over an inferior or a dependent one, whereby the former (British) protects the latter from invasion and shares in the management of its affairs but the protected state retains its nominal sovereignty.

In 1888, the Qu'aiti Sultanate in Hadhramaut joins the Aden Protectorate as the Qu'aiti State.

On February 11, 1959, the Federation of Arab Emirates of the South is formed and on April 4, 1962, they change their name to the Federation of South Arabia. Always good to throw in a name change to confuse matters. Soon after the name change, Aden joined the Federation of South Arabia; the Aden Protectorate is dissolved.

Federation: An array of nations or states that are unified under one central authority which is elected by its members.

Other States (Sultanates), specifically in Hadhramaut, had joined the Aden Protectorate which was now dissolved. On January 18, 1963, they formed the Protectorate of South Arabia, consisting mainly of the states of Kathiri, Mahra and Qu'aiti. A completely different "Protectorate". Some States reused their "Aden" Protectorate stamps by obliterating "Aden" and overprinted "South Arabia" until new stamps could be printed with "South Arabia".

The Federation of South Arabia to the SW and the Protectorate of South Arabia to the NE.

On November 30, 1967, after some internal strife, the British call it quits. The British leave Aden, British sovereignty ends and the protection treaties also end. The People's Republic of Southern Yemen (PRSY) is formed by the Federation of South Arabia (SW) and the forcibly annexation of the Protectorate of South Arabia (NE). The State of Qu'aiti, among others, don't like this, but international support is not coming to their aid. The Qu'aiti State, not recognizing the People's Republic of Southern Yemen, continue to issue their own postage into 1968.

To bring us up to 2020, another name change and a merger! On December 1, 1970, the People's Republic of Southern Yemen change their name to the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen. AND, on May 22, 1990, the Yemen Arab Republic (another different Yemen) merge with the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen to form the Republic of Yemen that we know today.

Maintained by Robert Margulski; E-Mail your comments to: RLM07@Margulski.name