Reichardt Cocoa Company
Tiere der Urwelt Collector Cards
illustrations by Heinrich Harder
Heinrich Harder was born in 1858 and lived in the Northeast part of Germany, where he studied painting under Eugen Bracht.
The Reichardt Cocoa Company commisioned Harder to illustrate two series of their prehistoric animal collector cards, a total of 60 illustrations.
Harder went on to become an art professor at the Berlin University.
Tiere der Urwelt - 1916
Ammonoid |
Archegosaurus |
Archeopteryx |
Ceratodus |
Coral Reefs |
Dinoceras |
Dinotherium |
Diplodocus |
Short Beaked Echidna |
Elasmotherium |
European Bison |
European Wild Ox |
Glyptodon |
Pinguinus impennis |
Hadrosaur |
Hatteria |
Hesperornis |
Ichthyosaur |
Iguanodon |
Limulus |
Megatherium |
Moa |
Platypus schnabeltier |
Plesiosaur |
Pteranodon |
Rhamphorhynchus |
Sivatherium |
Stegosaurus |
Trilobite |
Rhino nashorn |
Tiere der Urwelt - circa 1920
Aceratherium |
Alticamelus |
Arsinoitherium |
Coryphodon |
Dorcatherium |
Elotherium |
Eohippus |
Hipparion |
Hoehlenloewe (cave lion) |
Hyaenodon |
Hypohippus |
Hyracodon |
Imperial Elephant |
Klippdachs (Hyrax) |
Mastodon |
Mesohippus |
Metamynodon |
Moeritherium |
Moschusochsen (Musk ox) |
Oreodon |
Paleomastodon |
Paleotherium |
Pantolambda |
Phenacodus |
Protoceras |
Przewalski horse |
Seelilien |
Tarsius |
Teleoceras |
Waldrapp |